Colour Palette






9 colour variables available in WordPress theme default panel
Blocks Palette swatches available at page level, managed in right sidebar

Typography & Font Pairing

H1 Title: See Above
4rem 64PX / 100%
Letterspacing .025 em Regular

H1 Body 4 rem 64px / 100% Regular
Heading in body

H2 Heading 3 rem 48px/ 110% Regular
Heading Goes Here

H3 Heading 2 rem 32px / 125% Letterspacing .015 em
Heading Goes Here

H4 Heading 1.5 rem / 125% Letterspacing .015 em
Heading Goes Here

H5 Heading 1.25 rem / 135% Letterspacing .015 em
Heading Goes Here
H6 Heading (OVERLINE TEXT) 1 rem / 135% Letterspacing .025 em
Heading Goes Here
Theme Button
Ghost Button

Heading + Titles:
Barlow Condensed

Font weight: Bold by default
Base colour: Swatch 3

Base Font:
Barlow Semi Condensed
Font size: 1 rem (16px)
Line height: 135%
Font weight: 400 Regular
Base colour: Swatch 3

Here is a paragraph of text. This is a link. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text. Here is a paragraph of text. This is a visited link.

Set heading font in Heading Font Family, Page Title, Buttons and Navigation